mushrooms have been a hyperfixation of mine this november 2021, and it makes me
really excited to organize the information i have learned over the past month or so
Agaricus arvensis
common name(s): horse mushroom
ID family: agaricaceae
feeding behavior: saprotrophic
spore-bearing surface: gills
edibility: edible
description:cap is white but yellows with age. gills start out a pinkish color then turn a darker brown as it ages. smells like anise. has a "cogwheel" on the underside.
look-alikes: yellow-stainer (toxic), Amanitas (most species under this genus are toxic, especially ones that look like a horse mushroom)
Agaricus xanthoderma
common name(s): yellow-stainer
ID family: agaricaceae
feeding behavior: saprotrophic
spore-bearing surface: gills
edibility: not always edible, causes severe and serious gastric issues in most people. don't test your luck
description:smells like ink, iodine, or phenol, and it bruises a very obvious yellow. has pink gills that gradually turn grey-brown. gradually flattens with age.
look-alikes: looks like other agarics and looks like some amanitas
Amanita bisporigera
Amanita citrina
common name(s): false deathcap
ID family: amanitaceae
feeding behavior: mycorrhizal
spore-bearing surface: gills
edibility: inedible, though it has a low enough toxicity to eat, it bears too much resemblance to the deadliest mushrooms, so don't test your luck
description: usually lemon-yellow cap that retains bright, white veil fragments. free, white, crowded gills.
look-alikes: destroying angel (extremely toxic), death cap (extremely, extremely toxic)
Amanita pantherina
common name(s): false blusher, panther cap, panther amanita
ID family: amanitaceae
feeding behavior: mycorrhizal
spore-bearing surface: gills
edibility: inedible
description: cap is brown or grey-brown with its pure white veil dotted across it. is typically domed but flattens as it ages.
look-alikes: amanita excelsa (inedible due to misidentifaction, don't test your luck), and amanita rubescens (edible and hass tell-tale features to make it easier to identify)
Armillaria ostoyae
Auricula auricularia
Boletellus russellii
Boletus edulis
Calvatia gigantea
Cantharellus cibarius
Chlorophyllum molybdites
Chlorophyllum rhacodes
Coprinopsis atramentaria
Coprinus comatus
Cortinarius vanduzerensis
Craterellus cornucopioides
Flammulina velutipes
Galerina autumnalis
Ganoderma applanatum
Ganoderma lucidum
Gliophorus viridis
Grifola frondosa
Gymnopilus spectabilis
Gyromitra brunnea
Gyromitra caroliniana
Hericium erinaceus
Laetiporus sulphureus
Lentinellus cochleatus
Lepiota americana
Lepista nuda
Leucocoprinus birnbaumii
Lycoperdon perlatum
Lycoperdon pyriforme
Marasmius oreades
Marasmius siccus
Morchella esculenta
Mutinus caninus
Mutinus elegans
Omphalotus illudens
Oudemansiella mucida
common name(s): porcelain fungus, poached egg fungus
ID family: agaricaceae
feeding behavior: saprophytic/barely parasitic (not a very strong parasite)
spore-bearing surface: gills
edibility: edible with mucus removed
description: very white & semi-translucent cap, remains domed as it matures. mucousy slime when wet, with distant and broad gills. slender stem, has a stem ring.
look-alikes: its appearance is so unique it does not have any particular lookalikes.
Phlebia incarnata
Pleurotus ostreatus
Pluteus cervinus
Polyporus squamosus
common name(s): dryad's saddle
ID family: polyporaceae
feeding behavior: saprophytic but occassionally parasitic
spore-bearing surface: teeth/tubes
edibility: edible when young, but check for maggots
description: tan upper surface, with the underneath turning cream colored as it ages. a sort of funnel/saddle shape.
look-alikes: piptoporus betulinus, but that fungus is specific to birch, whereas, dryad's saddle is not
Pseudohydnum gelatinosum
Roridomyces austrororidus
Sarcoscypha dudleyi
Sarcoscypha occidentalis
Schizophyllum commune
Scleroderma citrinum
Stereum ostrea
Strobilomyces confusus
Strobilomyces floccopus
Stropharia ambigua
Trametes versicolor
Tuber melanosporum
Urnula craterium
some helpful information for interpretation:
saprotrophic/saprophytic = gets nutrients from dead wood/dead things, decomposer
mycorrhizal = has a beneficial relationship with a plant (mutually beneficial), usually cannot be cultivated without its host
parasitic = survives at the detriment of another being, steals nutrients, a parasite
endophytic = has a mutually beneficial relationship with a plant BUT CAN be cultivated without its host
helpful links:
first nature